The Pilates Goddess Blog

Diastasis Recti and Pilates

June 09, 20223 min read

Diastasis Recti can be both helped or worsened with Pilates. Here's how Pilates can help.

Diastasis Recti as defined by the NIH:

Diastasis recti is a separation between the left and right side of the rectus abdominis muscle, which covers the front surface of the belly area.

Most diastasis is seen in pregnant women, where the muscle separates as the woman's belly expands. I have also seen it in men after abdominal surgeries.

But at the moment I am working with many women who worsened their diastasis through improper exercise techniques during and after pregnancy.

Basically, it is crucial that the transverse abdominis and pelvic floor muscles be strengthened to help hold everything together. The rectus will typically also start to pull back together. Sometimes it will stay, and sometimes need to be sewn.

Diastasis is typically measured in "fingers" - literally how many fingers will fit in between the two muscle halves. I have personally worked with women who have had between four finger and ten finger diastasis with great success.

In terms of exercise, the approach to both diastasis prevention and diastasis repair are similar.

During and after pregnancy, until everything is working properly, avoid exercises that cause an increase in abdominal pressure that will push against the abdominal wall:

  • traditional crunches

  • overhead presses

  • heavy weight lifting

  • intense abdominal exercises (in Pilates this would mean ab series, teaser, backstroke, short box, etc.)

If the muscle has already separated, it can be helpful to wear an elastic abdominal brace to physically hold the muscles together (which is what we visualize while doing exercises).

I encourage people who have a diastasis to try Pilates to strengthen your internal abdominal brace. Please make sure that your teachers are familiar with what diastasis recti is and how to properly manage it. If they ask you to do the hundred with your head up first thing, you are in the wrong place.

If you hear more about breathing, pulling "in and up", and not bulging at your abs, you are in the right place.

Remember that even if you do require surgery to repair the separation, proper abdominal and strength training will help you maintain your abdominal corset of support after.

As an illustration, a new client came in to see me about 6 months ago with a four finger diastasis after her second pregnancy. She had been seeing a personal trainer at her gym, who was giving her crunches and overhead presses to build up strength. Unfortunately, this made the diastasis worse.

It had been about a year, and her OB wanted her to see a surgeon for repair.

After just a few months of steady, twice a week Pilates sessions, she went to the surgeon. He told her there "was nothing to repair." Success! Just proper Pilates training.

If you have a diastasis recti that you would like some help with, please contact me directly.

Click here to set up a free 20 minute consultation and see how I can help you work with your Diastasis Recti.

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Strong Bones Pilates™ Program

A 4-week, Online, Guided Program

for women with chronic pain and osteoporosis

Building Bone & Muscle Strength for Women 50+

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  • QUALITY OF LIFE - Improve your strength, balance, mobility, and circulation for better quality of life.
  • EFFECTIVE EQUIPMENT - Learn how to use the simple & effective Tye4® resistance device from The PhysicalMind Institute to help add non-impact resistance to your bones (order from Amazon). I'm wearing it in the photo.
  • COMMUNITY - Be part of a community of women all focused on staying healthy and strong with less pain.

""When I received my osteoporosis diagnosis, I messaged my friend Lynda for some sessions to get the Classical Pilates modifications.

Lynda can see 20/20 through that webcam, and her osteoporosis-safe modifications are just as challenging as the original versions, if not more so.

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Sunni Almond

"Lynda is creative, attentive and will work you hard - every part of you!

Her program is not just professional and accommodating but warm, personal, and tailored to your needs.

Nothing is too much trouble and she constantly comes up with new ideas to sort out any physical problems.

Highly recommend it!"

Gwen Heath Mitrano

"As a Pilates professional, I focus on my client's issues every day, and not always my own.

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I highly recommend Strong Bones for any woman with osteoporosis."

Ellen Miller

Strong Bones Pilates™ Osteoporosis Program


4-Week Online Program starts TBA

  • 4 - Private Training Sessions - includes lifetime access to replays ($720 value)
  • 8 - Group Workout Classes just for this group - includes lifetime access to replays ($160 value)
  • 1 - month membership in Strong Bones On Demand Pilates Studio ($97 value)
  • Private Community for Accountability, & Questions ($200 value)

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