The Pilates Goddess Blog

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Online Pilates Labor Day Weekend

August 29, 20242 min read

I'm teach TWO jam-packed online Pilates classes on Sunday!

Do you have questions about modifying Pllates for Osteoporosis and Back Pain? Like, you know you could be modifying your own workouts or your clients', but you don't want to sacrifice your flow or make your workouts easier?

Join me on Sunday 9/1/24 for a couple of $18 Labor Day Pilates Classes focusing on Osteoporosis and Back Pain with discussion + Q&A (more later in this email).

Now, I think you know by now that I love and know Pilates! I've been teaching it for 36 years, doing it for 37, and can explain exactly what modifications you need to make for Osteoporosis and Back Pain, and why.

Here are some of the questions I often hear regarding my online classes:

Q: Won't modifying exercises ruin a class flow?

A: No, actually. I offer easy to implement modifications that still keep the challenge of the exercises - whether you are modifying for a private client, a single class member, or yourself.

Q: Are modifications really necessary?

A: Yes! Regardless of what you may have heard, it's important to modify Pilates for Osteoporosis & Back Pain. I've seen clients who fractured vertebrae before they learned to modify movements. I've seen clients whose back pain continued until they learned how to modify Pilates for themselves. And I currently have clients who are maintaining and improving back pain, bone density, muscle strength, and mobility with modified, yet challenging, Pilates.

Q: Can you really see what we're doing on Zoom?

A: In fact, I can see surprisingly well. Our devices have fabulous cameras, and you'll know how well I see when I cue you ;).

I hope this helped! Now, the Labor Day Pilates Classes...

9/1/24 11am-12:15pm EDT - Osteoporosis & Pilates - Online Workout & Discussion $18 - a fun and effective Strong Bones Pilates mat class (no equipment, just a mat or folded blanket), followed by a myth-busting osteoporosis discussion, ending with Q&A. Suitable for any woman or Pilates Teacher concerned with bone density. Recording will be sent to all, so sign up even if you can't make the live.

9/1/24 1-2:15pm EDT - Back Pain & Pilates - Online Workout & Discussion $18 - a fun and effective Pilates mat class (no equipment, just a mat or folded blanket), followed by a myth-busting Back Pain discussion, ending with Q&A. Suitable for anyone experiencing back pain, plus Pilates Teachers concerned with modifications. Recording will be sent to all, so sign up even if you can't make the live.

Register for one or both.

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Strong Bones Pilates™ Program

A 4-week, Online, Guided Program

for women with chronic pain and osteoporosis

Building Bone & Muscle Strength for Women 50+

Why Strong Bones Pilates?

  • SAFE WORKOUTS - Exercise can be scary when you have low bone density. In Strong Bones, your workouts are custom designed to be safe and effective.
  • EASY ACCESS - Just show up to 1 private session + 2 classes each week for 4 weeks. Lynda will guide you through a personalized program of effective, osteoporosis-safe exercises to help strengthen your body, increase mobility, and decrease pain.
  • QUALITY OF LIFE - Improve your strength, balance, mobility, and circulation for better quality of life.
  • EFFECTIVE EQUIPMENT - Learn how to use the simple & effective Tye4® resistance device from The PhysicalMind Institute to help add non-impact resistance to your bones (order from Amazon). I'm wearing it in the photo.
  • COMMUNITY - Be part of a community of women all focused on staying healthy and strong with less pain.

""When I received my osteoporosis diagnosis, I messaged my friend Lynda for some sessions to get the Classical Pilates modifications.

Lynda can see 20/20 through that webcam, and her osteoporosis-safe modifications are just as challenging as the original versions, if not more so.

She won't baby you, she won't push you too much, but she will help you get stronger and understand what to modify and why."

Sunni Almond

"Lynda is creative, attentive and will work you hard - every part of you!

Her program is not just professional and accommodating but warm, personal, and tailored to your needs.

Nothing is too much trouble and she constantly comes up with new ideas to sort out any physical problems.

Highly recommend it!"

Gwen Heath Mitrano

"As a Pilates professional, I focus on my client's issues every day, and not always my own.

When I was diagnosed with osteoporosis, I needed someone I trusted to lead me through safe exercise sessions for my own body.

I can't believe how much stronger I feel and how much better my balance is in just 4 weeks!

I highly recommend Strong Bones for any woman with osteoporosis."

Ellen Miller

Strong Bones Pilates™ Osteoporosis Program


4-Week Online Program starts TBA

  • 4 - Private Training Sessions - includes lifetime access to replays ($720 value)
  • 8 - Group Workout Classes just for this group - includes lifetime access to replays ($160 value)
  • 1 - month membership in Strong Bones On Demand Pilates Studio ($97 value)
  • Private Community for Accountability, & Questions ($200 value)

© 2022 Lynda Lippin PIlates, LLC